The brain is composed of two intertwined aspects: the physical and the information processing. For the physical aspect, large-scale databases of the brain are being constructed by combining the latest measurement and information technologies, such as those used in the Allen Brain Atlas and the Human Connectome Project. In terms of information processing of brain, artificial intelligence inspired by the brain's structure and algorithms has made significant breakthroughs and produced products for general use, like ChatGPT. The concept of the "digital brain" focuses on integrating both of these aspects, databasing the brain and its information processing, to bring forth a new era of neuroscience. Seminars are being organized to further develop this concept.

Digital Brain Seminar

Organizer: Ken Nakae (ExCELLS), Takuya Isomura (RIKEN CBS), Daisuke Tagami (Kyushu University), Kenji Doya (OIST)

共催:日本脳科学関連学会連合(脳科連)マス・フォア・インダストリ・プラットフォーム(MfIP)学術変革 統一理論

Date: 2024/9/19-21

Place: On-site only, 912 LifeScience Building in Nihonbashi, Tokyo

Launguage: English and Japanease

Registration: 〜2024/9/12 14:00 (Thu)

A batch of information emails were sent to all prospective participants at 19:13 on 13 September. You have registered, but you can still find the information at ken.nakae at


2024/9/19 13:00-19:00 (Chair: Ken Nakae, Daisuke Tagami)

12:30-13:00 Registration

13:00-13:10 Ken Nakae (ExCELLS): Opening Remarks

13:10-13:30 Kenji Doya (OIST): The Digital Brain project for Brain/MINDS 2.0

13:30-14:20 Takuya Isomura (RIKEN CBS): Reverse engineering of generative models

14:20-14:30 Break